Tuesday, November 30, 2010


2day...after parkin my moto at izma's house..met izma's mom..we continue takin bus 2 TS..ala.Times Squre..
yeah..wif my tdg ala2 ct..thx 2 fatin liyana blogspot..
im ur biggest fan..hahah...

intan..izma n me..
me..but did u c small intan n izma there..haah

me..apink..intan..(y apink is there?)hah

izma n intan so cute..

snowball..plz look at da camera

sad face,,jdi x??haha..terglak lak tgk..


but i hv sad sad story...somebody...geramnye nk cite..suke ati je curi my cardigan..
i just left it at toilet..wif my new spec..dlm plastic..tgk2 ilang..
if u wanna stole sumtin..better sumtin else la..
not my cardigan..!geram...my mother said..

'tula..dok ngaalet...'(my mom kedahan u noe)..hahah..

wateva it is..i laways said 2 myself..learn 2 forgive n forget..mayb she/they didnt meant it rite...
yo yo ooo..huhu...


La Ameera. said...

ngaalet..? hahaha ralit@ghalit la beb! how come u tak taw spelling right. padahal u kan suku sakat LA. adehhh.:)

Ainaa~ said...

at leat im better than wat apink had sad..igt x..x ley lupe..
yeah...ghalit..i dun noe how to spell it..
thx my dear..haahh

La Ameera. said...

hahhaa. which one that apink said? apink always said yg pelik2 punya. jarang nye betul.huabhuahua
pungkio* ke? wakakaka

Ainaa~ said...

a ahh...yg tu rr..
mlu r nk dgr balek..pelik...hahaha