one week cny holiday....mne ckoppp!!!haha...
sleepin whole day ...n jln2...tgk2 da jumaat...
friday is da day my prents went to holand,,,my dad got prctical there for 2 month...
ok fine ainaa x ikot..sdey gilee...
rindunye x blek rumah t...hope 2 months would go faster...
after sendin my prents to airport back to melake..my hometown...rmai pulak yg blek..
last sturday round round melake...
4 restu people they might familiar wif food called 'Pecal' rite?
dkt melake ade stu kedai ala2 indonesia called Aym penyek lamongan at MITC...
their pecal lele quite diff but u need to try it..sedapp gile...dgn ikan keli n tempe yg rangop..perghhh..
back to Usm..not done r fnish up my work...sumbody help me??
n titas quiz???wattt??? i dun even hv complete note...
wateva it is...aja2 fightin..he~~